Thursday 17 May 2012

Creative Lightwork and Etheric Healing – Part 2


I would like you to know that everything I have written about here has had a direct and intensely positive impact on all aspects of my life.  If I had not experienced all of this to at least some significant degree, then I would not allow myself to write about it.  I would like to share all of this with you.  Everyone deserves to know, understand and experience such things.

Through focusing on and applying these types of techniques in daily life you will experience feelings so great that no words will feel fit enough to describe them.  Perhaps “divine” or “perfect”.  In fact I think they would be described more accurately through the feeling that you might have when listening to the most beautiful piece of music that you have ever heard, while thinking of the people you love most with their purest of smiles, and then multiply this by 10.  Although we all have our individual thoughts, feelings and experiences, many people have reported to experience their most high points in life through following spiritual practices such as these.

The following techniques are most effective when we understand how their manifestation comes into being.  Then we can become deeply immersed in them and will experience their results as powerfully as we possibly can.  I have therefore given you a basic explanation first before I go on to describe the techniques themselves:

All ancient wisdom explains that we manifest our reality and the world around us through our consciousness, within which our thoughts and feelings play an important part.  Spiritual teachings say that our heart energy centre is our direct connection between our being and the essence of creation itself, to which many people give the name God.  This is why the same teachings say that when we access our divinity within, the entire power of the universe can flow through our hearts.  The feeling of love and any other deeply positive emotions such as compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, acceptance are said to hold a frequency much closer to that which is the essence of creation or God.  This is could be one reason for the deeper meaning of the term “God is Love”.  “God is Light” is equally important as the basis of all in creation consist of light as its essence.  You can read more about this and other exciting techniques in my first blog, Creative Lightwork and Etheric Healing:

For more in-depth information on light and the light age please have a look at this:

Recent scientific discovery has shown that our hearts consist not only of a biological pump but also of one of the most powerful electromagnetic fields in known existence.  This field extends beyond the physical body into the world around us.  When we experience feelings of love the frequency of this field heightens immensely.  This has been scientifically measured to be felt by and have an affect on the world around us.  Recent discovery has also shown that every thought that we create also possesses a unique frequency.  Gregg Braden’s inspiring film The Science Of Miracles explains some of these findings:

To summarize, we have all been blessed as the master creators of our own lives and our own realities.  When we combine a clear thought with a feeling of love then we are tuning into the very process of creation itself on an ethereal level, which initiates the manifestation process of thought into physicality. If what we want to attract requires physical work for its manifestation, then the amount of energy that we create to manifest it through our thoughts and feelings will play the greatest part in influencing its physical manifestation. 

For some people the above need not be explained as you might have already learned such concepts and experienced them in your lives.  It only requires some of the right kind of observation to realize that we are and always have been constantly creating our realities.

Simple Technique For Activating The Heart Energy

First we put all of our attention to the feeling within our heart.  It may well be activated simply by doing this.  However it is often difficult to maintain unless we are highly trained in this area.  So we can take our hands and place them on the centre of the chest.  The hands are extensions of the heart energy centre so when we do this we should normally feel the divine warmth within spring to life.  Then we can bring our hands outwards in opening motions as if we are literally gesturing our hearts to open.  This can activate the heart much more powerfully. When we understand this feeling all we have to do is imagine that our hands are doing this, even if they are still, the imagining will activate our heart energy just as strongly as if we were physically doing this.  We might not want people to think we are impersonating birds flapping their wings all the time.  We may be able to feel that powerful sensation of love as warmth, tingles, electricity, euphoria, rushes, fuzz cascading from your heart centre and heightening the frequency of our whole being and body as well as the world around us.  It is very important to manifest this feeling as often as we possibly can, during these techniques and in every other situation in life.  This takes time and focus but is possible.  Our natural state of being is feeling this intense love and joy all the time.  We have just forgotten this due to this world age (The iron age - from early Egyptian times until now) being dominated by an egoic consciousness.  This paradigm has now ended and we are in a transitory period.  Every time we evoke this feeling of love we are activating more and more of our DNA and our hidden abilities, true ways of thinking, and we are re-establishing our eternal connection to the very essence of all creation. 

The Lightwork Techniques

Seeing the soul in everyone

When we see hundreds of people each day, strangers, family, friends, foes how often do we choose to comprehend the extent of their lives: all the people they love, the people that love them, their mistakes, their achievements, their lessons, their fears, their good times, their bad times, their thoughts, their dreams, their creations, their feelings, their emotions. Can we deny that everyone is amazing in his or her own light?  Each soul underneath the physical facade is yearning for peace, prosperity and oneness even though some may appear to have "lost their way".  They are only experiencing their important life lessons to grow in whatever stage of development that they are at.  When we choose to see the soul shining through each person, we begin to understand our innate unconditional love for everyone that resides eternally within us.  This is a major step back to our true state of Oneness.  We can visualize this as a bright, perfect, shining version of themselves, in immense joy and happiness, glowing through their physical selves and encompassing their entire being.  The energy that we create when seeing others in this way can be felt subconsciously by those around us and actually encourages their innate goodness to break through.  We all know the feeling of how we can really “be ourselves” when we are around people who do not judge.  This is the complete opposite of judgement as we are effectively seeing people as being in their greatest light, and we are feeling this.  Feel that in your heart.  That is compassion.

Here is an important quote to consider regarding this concept:
"Until you can see God in the face of your enemy, you cannot see God at all, for in truth, there is no such thing as an 'enemy'. There is only that part of you that exists in contrast to another part of you. God does not exist for you if He exists for you only in people and things you like. God is not real for you if She is experienced by you only in those things with which you agree." ~ Neale Donald Walch, 'Tomorrow's God '

When we practice this deeply we can often experience feelings of instant physical healing as well as your chakras re-aligning.  This may well be due to the absolute purity of such a way of thinking and feeling.  We may also see everything brighten up and appear ever more alive and real in front of our eyes.  We may feel much more connected to people and everything around us.   We may also feel much more energized and lighter as if we are walking on air.  Our joy becomes boundless.  These results play a great part in the deeper knowing and faith that what we are thinking and feeling is having a powerful impact on our entire being and the world around us.

“Though you may travel the world to find the beautiful, you must have it within you or you will find it not.”  - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Breathing In Love

This is especially powerful to help heal the body physically and to bring deep issues to the surface so that they can be cleared.  The lungs and diaphragm are where we store feelings of fear, grief and trauma so it is important to draw love and light into these areas in order to cleanse them deeply.  After practicing this technique we may find deep issues come to the surface.  We can then clear these through forgiveness prayer meditation directed at ourselves and anyone else who was involved in the forming of the issue.
Think of the warm fuzz that grows from your heart during moments of feeling love and compassion.  The only healing energy in the universe is that of love.  So if we focus on breathing in Love then we are helping our bodies and souls to be healed deeply from the inside out.   Imagine that we are breathing in the very feeling of love itself.  Manifest a feeling that our lungs are easily expanding greater than we normally perceive them to be able to.  Do not force this.  We can manifest the feeling as if we are breathing it into every part of our physical being and beyond.  Feel love flowing deep into our lungs as a warm nurturing feeling that is washing away any negativities.  At the same time we can visualize this as bright golden or blue light flooding deeply into the body.  We can allow the feeling to grow as strong as we can allow it to.  We may repeat a phrase like “breathe in love” to help to affirm and encourage the desired feeling.  We can feel and see our circulatory system pumping the love and light from our lungs into every cell in the body.  This will help to heal our body and spirit very deeply.  With some intent we will feel powerful results very quickly. 
After practicing for some time we can visualize everyone on the planet doing this in unison.  Behind the veil of illusion we all exist as one.   We are thus helping all people heal in synchronicity.  We can feel this as the effects are somewhat different than when we just focus on ourselves. 
This process also stimulates a deeper understanding of and gratitude for the reality that we are always breathing in the unconditional nurturing love of God’s creation, as every atom in existence consists of Love as its very basis.  Most of us have merely forgotten this truth in this age of mankind.  It has always been there for us to remember and is inevitable to occur in the timing that is perfect for each soul.

Grounding Spirit Into The Physical Body

Often when we meditate we allow spirit to flow freely where it will in its inter-dimensional nature.  It is very important at this time to bring spirit back into body.  This is essential for our ascension and light body activation.
We can relax or meditate and firstly put all our attention into feeling our physical body.  Feel our weight and density.  Feel the life in every particle and every cell all as one.  After some minutes start to put all our attention into feeling our spirit.  Feel its higher vibration and weightlessness.  Feel its eternal essence and its existence everywhere.  Then start to see and feel spirit come into the body.  We can encourage the process by repeating a phrase such as: “Spirit please fuse with and heal every cell in my body.  Thank you”.  Feel its higher vibration and lightness enter every cell in the body.  See its divine glowing light heal every part of our entire physical existence.  If we do this for some time each day we will notice improvements in our entire physical body, and in all other aspects of life.  We begin to glow more and more and the word “health” soon possesses an all-new meaning to us.

Returning Energy and Light to Rightful Owners

Throughout our lives we encounter situations where other souls and entities manage to gain an energetic connection to us.  This happens often without us or them even consciously knowing.  This allows others to use parts of our light bodies that have been accessed, which can cause us to have recurring problems in areas of our life, health, energy levels, or in other aspects. These affects seem to arise particularly from situations when someone has been affected by bullying, addictions, or from periods of significant trauma.  It is our negative emotions and perceptions that allow the energy vampirism it to occur in the first place.  We can work to heal these inflictions simply by manifesting the right intentions.  We can relax or meditate and visualize that all peoples’ energy and light is returning to its rightful owner.  Of course this does not include energy or light that we have consciously given with consent, for example during prayer.
As we imagine that all peoples’ energy and light is being restored righteously we can repeat a prayer / intention such as: “Please forgive me for using your energy / light.  I am returning it.  Thank you for returning mine.  I forgive you”.  OR more simply: “All of our energy and light is restored to its rightful owner”.
We are establishing new agreements with the higher-selves of all souls to bring this into fruition.
We may feel results very rapidly as tensions in the body spark back into their true state of aliveness.  We may feel a greater sense of clarity and higher energy levels than we have experienced in years.  In turn our true natural talents and skills will be restored if an entity has been using that part of our energy.

I Love You

Albert Einstein famously said: “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.”  This states that the field, the invisible energy force in any given space, is the prime factor that affects the structure and behaviour of the particle.  Therefore the energy that we create through our feelings is far more important than most of us realize.
Words and their meanings possess their own frequencies.  If we really relax and focus on the sparkles behind your eyelids with them closed we can sometimes see patterns changing depending on what we are thinking or feeling.  Try saying “I love you” and you may see beautiful geometric patterns forming.  These words and their feeling are essentially helping in the harmonizing of all that they encounter. 
Masaru Emoto is renowned for his studies since 1999, which showed that human consciousness and emotion affects the molecular structure of water.  When feelings of positive loving emotions were created water its molecules formed perfect geometric patterns, whereas when subjected to negative emotions, the water molecules formed no order in their structure whatsoever.
The conclusion was made that the feeling of love or any other positive emotion creates harmony in the structure of physical matter inside and outside of our bodies and this also allows particles to behave in harmony with one-another.
So we can help our body and everything around us to heal and feel more love simply by saying and feeling “I love you” over and over.  We are saying “I love you” to life, everyone, yourself, your experiences and lessons, Earth, nature, the cosmos, the air that we breathe, and all beings, realms and occurrences in the eternal existence.  We are remembering and affirming our gratitude them each playing their essential roles in the grand Creation.  This helps us to reaffirm ourselves of our true deep unconditional love that we possess in our core.  This is the God essence that we, all people are and this is our true state of being.  We can visualize light penetrating everything around us, people, the ground that we are walking on, nature, buildings, animals, the air, water.  As we repeat: “I love you”, we are helping everything around us to experience its / their true God essence of unconditional love as the harmonic frequency that we are manifesting affects all.  Manifest the feeling as if we are not physical at all and neither is anything else, and that we are all connected with everyone and everything as part of the divine creation as one.  Now the love and light that we are creating can flow ever more quickly and deeply through everything as it heals and purifies all that it touches.

Manifesting Nature For Our New Earth

All around us we can see how alive nature has always been and how ever-more alive she is becoming as she grows back into her former glory.
When the light age is firmly established, nothing inorganic, negative, or of a low vibration will be able to live on Earth / Gaia.  We can offer her the assistance that she deserves.   We can visualize all her beauty in whatever we perceive to be its most fantastic state.  Here we can allow our imaginations to run wild.  When we walk on tarmac and concrete it is extremely fun to imagine luscious plantlife bursting out of it like powerful waves of greenery and flowers thundering through cities completely replacing the old paradigm of material constructs that we call civilization.  See all these plants glowing with brighter colours than you have ever known, growing to taller heights and creating homes for the most magnificent forms of wildlife.  Do you feel that joy as you see these plants grow?  Do you feel their joy? Nature is and always will be infinitely more powerful than man-made constructs and the time will come when it will reign strongly again and take its rightful place on and within Gaia’s beautiful existence.

Always say “thank you”

Always finish with a gratitude prayer / meditation.  We can repeat “thank you” in the heart with the intention being to receive the results for the work that we have been doing.  We can do this for any period of time that feels right.  Saying and feeling “thank you” will open up the energetic pathways of our being that allow us to receive.  If our intentions are for the world to receive our lighted energies then our gratitude will see that they manifest quickly.  This also reminds us of our gratitude for everything that we have, have had and have experienced, for life, and for all creation.  It is important to do this for some time each day.  When we feel grateful the universe brings us more to feel grateful for.  Gratitude is the key to pure abundance.

Thank you for reading and be in joy.

“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”  - Muhatma Gandhi